
One of the more useful, but slightly more advanced functionality of .Profile is the ability to launch your application from the command line with a selection of command line arguments allowing you to automatically start a custom recording session. This doesn’t require any code on your side, which is precisely why this functionality is so amazing, it just works out of the box.


When you install .Profile, you also install a pre configured command line profile configuration. It’s located in your project and called Framerate.pcfg. Feel free to open this and have a look at the format (it’s plain Json). We’ll use this bundled configuration to show you how .Profile can leverage out of the box command line profiling.


.Profile ships with a link.xml file, this file tells unity not to strip out .Profile’s assemblies when it builds a new player, it’s important you have this link.xml file in your project prior to building your player.

  1. After installing .Profile, build a player for your desired platform.

2) Run your player with the following command line arguments

path/to/your/player.exe  -DotProfileConfig "Framerate"

And that’s it, your application should be launched and a session will automatically be created using the Framerate.pcfg config.


You can create your own profile configuration files and ship them with your product, if you want to enable a user facing command line interface, allowing your customers the option to profile their existing game. Similar to how Valve ship a profiler with their hammer based products.