
Namespace: WellFired.Profile


A probe recorder contains a Probe and a Record Mode. This is used to determine what the ProbeRecorder will record and also, at what interval the recorder will refresh it’s probe


bool Updated { get; set; }

Public Properties

readonly RecordMode RecordMode

Public Methods

string ProbeName ( )
Type ProbeType ( )
  ProbeRecorder ( IProbe probe, RecordMode recordMode = RecordMode.Continous, int interval = 0 )
void RecordSample ( long deltaTime )
TimeValue GetLastRecordedValue ( )
TimeValue GetLastFormattedRecordedValue ( )


  • bool Updated { get; set; }


    This flag is reset if the probe has recorded using the RecordSample method.

  • readonly RecordMode RecordMode


    The RecordMode that states how this Recorder will record data

  • string ProbeName ( )


    Returns the probe name for this recorder. This Probe name will either be specified on the probe or it will be specified using an IFormattedName on the probe object

  • Type ProbeType ( )


    Returns the raw type of the probe.

  • ProbeRecorder ( IProbe probe, RecordMode recordMode = RecordMode.Continous, int interval = 0 )


    Constructs a new instance of ProbeRecorder, by default every probe will be continuous, but if you want to optimise your probes, make sure to use Continuous only when needed. You can optionally specify the record interval, this works in conjunction with the RecordMode.Continuous, but is ignored when recordMode is OneShot


    probe The probe which we will get our data from
    recordMode How we will record this data
    interval The interval that we will record this data
  • void RecordSample ( long deltaTime )


    Tells the recorder to attempt to record a new sample, note this might not actually record anything, it’s up to the Recorder to do the recording, calling this method is simply a way of flagging this recorder to record, if needed


  • TimeValue GetLastRecordedValue ( )


    Returns the last recorded value as a TimeValue

  • TimeValue GetLastFormattedRecordedValue ( )


    Rrturns the last recorded formatted value as a TimeValue